Glossary Elias terms
The Elias Material Copyright © Mary Ennis
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A- Abuse
- Abuse is any type of expression, whether verbal or physical, any type of interaction in which one individual becomes a victim of another. People generally believe that being a victim is first of all, bad, and that it is something that happens to them. All of us at times make choices that we ae are not objectively aware of, nor are we aware of the motivation for those choices. Often those choices, and they are choices, don’t lead us in directions that are comfortable or that we want or that we like. Abuse, therefore, is any type of action and interaction between individuals in which one individual then is made to be the victim of another individual, and that may be in a physical capacity or mental or emotional. There are many different types of abuse. There are many different types of expressions in which an individual can become a victim of another individual.
- Acceptance
- Acceptance is the awareness, knowledge and allowance of any action or expression to be what it is, no matter what form it takes. When you can do that and genuinely evaluate your need to be right and therefore lessen the need and importance to be right, you are moving in the direction of Acceptance. This does not mean you have to agree with what you Accept. You don’t need to like OR agree with what you accept. You can vehemently disagree with what you accept and still be accepting.
What you accept is not the action or the opinion that differs from your own. What is accepted is that the other individual’s reality is equally as real, significant and important as your own. It is important to realize that what is right or wrong for you does not necessarily apply to others. Whatever it is that you absolutely believe is right and acceptable for you. It guides your behavior, your preferences, and it guides you in what is important to you.
Additionally, acceptance does not mean that by accepting another’s expression that you do not care or that it does not affect you. It does affect you, for you are all interconnected. Just as you affect all else, all else affects you.
And you may think what another thinks and what I may think we shall agree to disagree but you are continuing to view your opinion as right and their opinion as wrong. You are agreeing not to argue, you are agreeing not to challenge each other and that is also not acceptance.
By accepting you genuinely acknowledge yourself and the differences between yourself and others. Through acceptance you will not be bothered by the choices of other individuals, meaning you will not hold judgment regarding either their or your own choices, guidelines or opinions.
And acceptance is not the expression of “Everyone else can do whatever they are doing and I don’t care,” or “It doesn’t affect me.” It does affect you, for you all affect each other, for you all are interconnected. You are interconnected with everything. Therefore, it does affect you, and you affect all else.
- Acknowledgement
- Acknowledging is expressing the recognition and definition of something. This includes the acceptance of what is acknowledged for what it is, and this is the piece that is the most important: the acceptance of whatever it is and stop fighting with it. It isn’t the metaphysical idea of embracing something that you dislike or that is uncomfortable for you. It is a matter of recognizing that it is simply that action of recognizing and accepting…good or bad.
- Addressing
- Addressing is the action of looking at an experience. That’s the first part of addressing, actually looking at an experience. And in that, moving in a direction in which you are acknowledging the experience and then beginning to take steps in relation to genuinely learning to cope with the experience. Now; coping with an experience requires the individual to not only acknowledge that the experience happened or that the trauma happened, but to also look at the different aspects of the experience. Addressing is moving through that entire process. Now; there are two parts of addressing to. There is the objective part and there is the subjective part. The subjective part is most of the work, in a manner of speaking. The subjective, or inner state of being. awareness moves in the direction of expressing the identification of the experience and moving in the direction of identifying not only the participants but the experience itself and what the implications of the experience are. The objective or external part of addressing to is the objective recognition of an experience of trauma, the defining of that – which might seem elementary to you, but for people that have experienced trauma, they don’t always identify or define their experiences as trauma. Therefore, that’s a piece of addressing to, is defining the experience as an experience of trauma, then moving in objective choices to be generating reconnecting what has been disconnected in relation to the experience of trauma. This is the part in which we engage the exercise to put back together the memory and the feeling.
You may not be analyzing the attachments, you may not necessarily be evaluating them and specifically defining them in relation to thought, but you are addressing to them, this factor of these attachments and how strong they are and how important it is to be addressing to them. This allows you that freedom to not succumb to them automatically, and therefore also succumb to the aspects of them that are hindering and that block your choices.
In this, you may be addressing to and paying attention to associations, but you are also addressing to many of these attachments, and in a manner of speaking, dismantling or breaking down these attachments, therefore allowing yourself more freedom to enact your actual choices rather than generating actions automatically. You are intentionally generating actions, intentionally generating choices by way of addressing trauma.. Addressing to this situation and identifying the beliefs that are influencing of your perception, you shall allow yourself the ability to be eliminating conflict and not re-creating this type of situation in the future.”
- Aggression
- People don’t feel connected, they feel at odds, they feel opposition, and therefore they move in aggression. Aggression is the lack of connecting, the lack of connection. Aggression is the one expression that you can generate in physical focus that actually disconnects, in relation to your interconnectedness. It doesn’t do it for long periods of time, but it does do it. It is a very unnatural expression, and humans are the only species in your world that express aggression. What occurs subsequent to that type of disconnect is very abrupt, and it is a definite moment that individuals can feel. You are not accustomed to identifying that feeling, therefore you may not be aware of what is occurring. But subsequent to that, because it is such an unnatural expression in consciousness, you immediately seek to generate stronger connection.
If you are thinking about the animal kingdom and their expressions in the wild in relation to other animals, predators and prey, that is not aggression. They know they are connected with their prey. They know that their prey is a part of them and that they are a part of their prey and that they are interconnected and that they are a means to each other’s – not only one, but to each other’s – survival. Which is very different. Aggression is a human expression. Aggression is the one expression that you are capable of that severs all connection. It isolates you immediately. This is the reason that soldiers in wars bond so strongly together. It is an expression, in your terms, of compensating for that surrounding expression of aggression, in which they are aware and feel that severing of connection, which is entirely unnatural. It is an unnatural state in consciousness. The reason individuals express aggression is the same as when individuals shout. Individuals yell or they shout. Why? For they do not perceive they are being heard. Therefore if they project louder, if they generate more volume they are more likely to be heard or so they think, so they perceive. Aggression is the same motivation, you do not see me, you will see me if I am more aggressive. You will acknowledge me if I am more aggressive. Pushing out an energy of “I’m right, and you being wrong threatens me. You are wrong, but you think you are right or you wouldn’t be doing what you are doing, and that threatens me. Therefore, I have to prove that I’m right and be aggressive about that.” This is what motivates all aggression.“
Anger is the perception of lack of choices, which is the reason you stay angry. You don’t see any of your choices. You cannot generate any action or any solution to the situation, for you have no choices. You do not see your choices. You do not know you have choices in a particular moment. And you then concentrate on the feeling. You keep following that feeling. You keep paying attention to that feeling of being angry and the angrier you become the less choices you see. When you don’t see what your choices are, you immediately move your attention to the outside source and want it to change. This leads you to frustration and disappointment, because the outside source is likely not going to change. It is you that requires the change, because you don’t like what you feel. Anger is the extreme of frustration and this is not to say that it is bad, but it is an extreme of an emotion.”
- Anger
- Anger is the perception of lack of choices, which is the reason you stay angry. You don’t see any of your choices. You cannot generate any action or any solution to the situation, for you have no choices. You do not see your choices. You do not know you have choices in a particular moment. And you then concentrate on the feeling. You keep following that feeling. You keep paying attention to that feeling of being angry and the angrier you become the less choices you see. When you don’t see what your choices are, you immediately move your attention to the outside source and want it to change. This leads you to frustration and disappointment, because the outside source is likely not going to change. It is you that requires the change, because you don’t like what you feel. Anger is the extreme of frustration and this is not to say that it is bad, but it is an extreme of an emotion.”
- Association
- Associations are the evaluations/judgments, good or bad, that you generate in relation to every experience that you generate. That association of good or bad, comfortable or uncomfortable is attached to all experiences and subject matter. Therefore, your associations very much intertwine with attachments (See Definition). For example, you generate an association with production. Is being productive good or bad for you? The judgment is the association you link to production. Being productive is an idea. It is an action that you have assumed and applied to yourself in a specific capacity, just as independence is an idea and an action that you have assumed and applied to yourself in a specific capacity.
Now; you generate associations with those attachments in relation to your experiences with those attachments. Therefore, you can generate an association that being productive in a certain capacity is good or that not being productive in that same capacity is not good. Therefore, you also measure yourself according to your association in relation to the attachment, in this case being productive. Without the associations, the attachment is merely a concept that involves choices, whether you choose to participate with it or not. With the attachment and with the association, that creates another layer of the attachment of what parts of the attachments are good and bad.
- Assuming Energy
- Assuming Energy is an action that occurs at times, not very often, but in some expressions with some creatures that they do naturally. You either accept the energy as is or expel it by not holding to it. Dogs are the one species of animals that has been very closely associated with humans throughout the entirety of your history without interruption and therefore this particular species of animal has created a very strong connection with your species. Now they do express a natural ability for healing and some of them do interpret a very similar type of action in assuming the energy of a human, but not holding to it and immediately expelling it. Dependent upon the extreme or the intensity of the energy it may influence the animal to vomit. Moving in directions of assuming or merging with or connecting with another individual’s energy in which you allow yourself to pull that into your energy and experience it, to feel it, and to allow yourself to expel that quickly, is quite definitely an accomplishment. Generally speaking most individuals would not necessarily allow themselves to expel that energy immediately or very quickly, and that generates difficulties and challenges and what you would term to be problems.
- Assumptions
What is significantly important initially is not to assume. Not to assume that another individual is expressing in a particular manner in any given moment, for your assumption is based in your guidelines, not theirs.
Whatever you are assuming may or may not be correct. You actually have a less than fifty-fifty percentage of your assumption being correct, for you are projecting onto the other individual what you feel and what you think and what you perceive and what you would or wouldn’t do in the same situation. And if they are expressing differently from what you would or wouldn’t do in the same situation, there is an automatic assumption that they are discounting you or they don’t like you or they are opposing you. You will personalize it automatically. Assumptions feeds personalizing.
If you are assuming that another individual is nice and loving – even if you are assuming in a positive manner, what you think of as a positive manner – when you assume, you are automatically projecting yourself onto the other individual. And when you do that, regardless of how you do it, you automatically are projecting an energy that the other individual will oppose.
None of you like to be told what you are or what to do. Without speaking what you assume about another at all, you are telling them in energy what they are. None of you want to be told who you are or what you are doing. That is assumptions.
- Attachments
- Attachments are beliefs that you use for guidelines. They are, in a manner of speaking, embellishments of a belief, or an emphasis of a belief that you use as a guideline in relation to behavior and choices. Generally, the attachment is viewed as a benefit, and that is the reason that you adhere to them. And you are generally more aware of the attachments. You see them. You see the benefit of what an attachment expresses – which is a guideline for a behavior, in relation to a belief. You are quite accustomed to holding on to those attachments and moving in conjunction with them. It is the readjustment from that safety and that aspect of comfort in the attachments supporting you, but more than supporting you, dictating to you that is very influential in the choices that you generate. In that capacity it is very similar to being told what to do in every step, in every direction for many individuals being accustomed to that, that also feels safe. It does not require them to be responsible for their own choices. In shifting, one great action that you are engaging is becoming aware of the difference in identity between attachments and your genuine self, and what your genuine self is. Who you are as your genuine self without the attachments? You have defined yourself by way of your attachments, but your attachments are not your genuine self.
Independence is but one attachment, but there are influences of that attachment that may be hindering to you. As with any attachment there are also other influences that you may choose to continue to engage, that you may actually appreciate certain aspects of this particular attachment. But the point is the recognition of attachments, therefore generating a new ability to see beyond those attachments that cover your genuine self in very similar manner to a shell. Most of your attachments are very strongly associated with all of your shoulds or must be’s. What you must be, what you must do, what you should be, what you should do are associated with your attachments.
In this, you are beginning to recognize your attachments, whether you are analytically defining them or not. It matters not; you are addressing to them. In doing so, you are creating that direction of enacting your own ability to use them rather than expressing them in a manner in which they almost use you.
You would not set into place attachments if you did not perceive them to be good or beneficial. Therefore, they do serve you. It is merely a matter of being aware of when it is serving you and when it is not. ”
- Attention
- Attention: You may create whatever you want; yes, you do create what you concentrate upon, not necessarily what you think, but what you concentrate upon. These are difficult concepts, for they are genuinely quite unfamiliar and you are unfamiliar with the action of recognizing what your attention is and where you are directing it. Attention is not an expression that you see or feel or may touch. Therefore, it is somewhat elusive. Generally, you have associated attention and thought as being synonymous, and they are not. The basic principle of consciousness in creating is that you always create more of what you pay attention to. Therefore, if you are paying attention to restrictions, you create more of it. If you are paying attention to conflict, you create more of that. If you are paying attention to cooperation, you create more of that You create what you concentrate (see definition) upon. Now; concentration is not necessarily attention. But attention adds to concentration. In this, the more you pay attention to a certain expression and the more you concentrate upon it, the more you reinforce it and the more you create it. You will pay attention to what becomes important to you, regardless of what it is. If there is some expression within your reality that you dislike, you will pay attention to it, for the dislike becomes important. Therefore, you continue to pay attention to it.
B- Balance
- Balancing is being aware of what is important and therefore beneficial and what is not. That is the expression of balance. The implementation of it, the action of it, the directing of your attention, is the centeredness.
- Being present
- The most important action that you all can engage is to be present. It is the most challenging action, for it is unfamiliar and difficult for most individuals to constantly be present. But in the present your concerns disappear, for there is no concern in the present. You are not dead, you are not dying, you are accomplishing, you are not destitute, and even if you were destitute, you may actually find comfort in that in your present.
Being present is not a matter of merely being in the now. You can be aware of the now and not be present. You can be aware of what is occurring now, what is surrounding you now, and what environment you are in now. You can even be aware of what you are doing now and not be present. You are not present with yourself, acknowledging your existence. But you are present when you are in your comfort.
One of the greatest moments that individuals generally are present with themselves is when they are experiencing pain. For if they are experiencing pain, they focus quite strongly upon the discomfort, and they will be quite present with themselves. They are quite aware of their existence, for it hurts. But when you are expressing genuine comfort, you are also present.
- Beliefs
- Beliefs are expressions that give you explanations for physical reality. One belief would be that life has meaning. That is your explanation for a facet of physical reality – life, and that it incorporates meaning. A construct (See definition) around a meaning of life: that life is valuable if it is expressed in certain capacities; that it should be viewed as sacred; that it should not be wasted. An attachment would be “life is valuable and therefore it is important to be responsible with it. The meaning of life is what you make it, therefore it is important to make it mean something. Influences with beliefs are the abstract manner in which you can express a belief; that one belief can be expressed in literally hundreds of abstract manners. Therefore, the influences are the choices for how you express it – not the idea, but the action.
There are ten belief systems:
1. belief system of relationship
2. belief system of duplicity
3. belief system of sexuality
4. belief system of truth.
5. belief system of emotion
6. belief system of perception.
7. belief system of certain senses.
8. religious belief system
9. scientific belief system
10. belief system of your physical creation of your universe
Acceptance neutralizes the belief. That is not to say that it disempowers it or that it removes the element of duplicity. Duplicity is a belief system of good/bad, better/worse system. It is not being eliminated any more than any other belief system. But in the acceptance of beliefs, you recognize that they are the influences to your perception and that they are not actually absolute and that there are many aspects of each of them. Therefore, they can be expressed in many different manners, for you can choose different influences of the same belief that will alter how that belief is expressed and therefore alter your reality. In this, you continue to incorporate your preferences and your opinions, which, without duplicity, you would not incorporate preferences or opinions, for associated with preferences and opinions are the expressions of good and bad or right and wrong.
- Body consciousness
- The Body Consciousness does not only hold memory of your own experiences in this focus (Life). Your body consciousness, that particular body that you hold now, holds ALL the memories of every experience you have ever generated in every focus that you have in this physical reality, past and future. That is a lot of memories.
The body consciousness does communicate, because it has an avenue and it is an avenue of communication, but in the same manner that your senses are avenues of communication. You wouldn’t say that your senses are independently aware from you. The body consciousness does the same. But it doesn’t think. It doesn’t have its own independent awareness. It doesn’t act independent of you. Your subjective (inner) awareness is directing everything that the body consciousness does. You have designated that subjective aspect of your awareness to be automatic. It is definitely moving in harmony with the objective (outer) awareness; therefore, when you express stress, your subjective awareness is communicating to the body consciousness to generate high blood pressure or ulcers or difficulty breathing or headaches. Your subjective awareness is instructing the body consciousness in relation to what the body consciousness manifests. In other words, Body Consciousness communicates subjective states by way of illnesses.
C- Caring
- Caring is a natural expression that you incorporate. This is a natural flow of energy, of interconnectedness. It is a recognition of interconnectedness, that you are not actually separated from all that is within your reality, regardless of the appearance of it in your individual manifestations. There is more than merely your individual manifestations, and this expression of caring springs from that knowing of interconnectedness. Individuals confuse caring with concern. You define those terms as the same, as synonymous but they are different.
- Centeredness
- If you are aware, if you are paying attention, if you are directing your attention for you are aware, centering yourself is the action of implementing balance in all that you do—not in segments, not in sections, not in areas, but in everything, in the whole of you, which encompasses every subject that you engage, every direction, every movement, every action, every choice. Centeredness is the implementation, the action of balancing. When you are centered, you are actively engaging your attention intentionally to be balanced, to be expressing that awareness of what is important and therefore beneficial and what is not, and not incorporating extremes.
- Channeling
- Channeling is expressing your own essence energy through their physical focus. Since it is your own energy there is no adjustment necessary for the body consciousness to allow this energy to be expressed.
- Comparison
- Comparison is a dangerous game, and it always discounts yourself. Even if you are comparing and elevating yourself, that you compare yourself to another individual and you deem yourself to be better than the other individual in your comparison, you are discounting yourself in that also. For what do you experience if another individual elevates you above themselves in comparison? Are you accepting of that or are you automatically receding from that type of expression? For you automatically feel within you that this is a discounting of yourself for it is a discounting of themselves.
- Compassion
- Compassion is not love, compassion holds its own individual definition. Compassion is understanding without judgment — merely understanding. Acceptance is the lack of judgment. Compassion is an avenue that you incorporate to facilitate your expression of love. Compassion is the expression of understanding, and the expression of understanding creates a facilitating avenue to allow yourself movement into the expression of love.
- Compromise
- Compromising is denying you — acquiescing to another individual in the anticipation that you shall generate somewhat of what you want. Compromise always is coupled with expectation, for compromise is an action of opposition and of association that if you give, you expect the other individual to incorporate the same action, to comply and to give also. Therefore, you set into motion a scenario in which you are all participating in opposing each other, compromising with each other, complying with each other, and in that, you are all discounting, and that generates frustration and conflict.
The pitfall is to be generating an interaction in which there is some expression of compromise and thusly an agreement is generated. In relation to the generated agreement, there is an automatic tremendous potential for expectation, the expectation of the other individual that they shall follow the agreement and an expectation of yourself that you shall also follow the agreement and perhaps generate some compromise. That does not generate success. That creates a tremendous potential to be generating a pitfall. If you are engaging your partner and you are expressing yourself and you are sharing your information and you are generating an openness for exploration together to generate an expression of cooperation in which neither of you is acquiescing or compromising but engaging choices that are acceptable to both of you in a cooperation, that closes the expression of expectation.
- Concentration
- Concentration is that element of yourself that focuses on and expresses your beliefs. Whichever belief your concentration is focused on, you shall manifest some expression or some manifestation within your reality that reflects that belief in some manner. That is how you identify your concentration. Concentration is what is being expressed within you in association with your beliefs.
There is a difference between paying attention and concentration. And there is a difference between how much you think about it and how much you concentrate on it, because your concentration is not measured in what you think about or what you are paying attention to. Your concentration is expressed in relation to what you believe. You don’t have to think about it. You don’t have to be paying attention to it.
You believe the sun rises every day. You don’t have to think about it. You don’t have to pay attention to when it rises. You believe it will, and therefore it does, because that is what you trust and that is what you concentrate on. You create what you concentrate on.
Therefore, let me use a simple example of concentration versus thinking. Let us say that you are an individual that has experiences with other individuals significant in your life that engage substances such as alcohol. And in your experience, when these individuals engage this substance they alter their behavior, and in your perception not in a good manner. And in that, you begin to generate an association with experiences and that substance. You connect them together, and you generate an association. And the association is that tag on the experience, on the memory, that says, “Not good.”
But then, in relation to that association, you also develop a concentration. Now, you don’t necessarily think about it, you aren’t necessarily paying attention to it, but then you attend a party and everyone is consuming alcohol, and you do also to a degree, but then you become uncomfortable. And then you begin expressing judgments in relation to the other individuals that are consuming alcohol, and you begin to be uncomfortable and agitated and create a mood because of what is occurring around you.
That is partially that you are paying attention to the individuals that are consuming alcohol, but how you are paying attention to them is based in that concentration. The concentration is there underlying: “This is not good. I don’t like it. I don’t trust it.” Therefore, that influences your attention to look for what you don’t like and to find it.
Therefore, in that, the concentration is not necessarily being affected in your scenario. Concentration is somewhat tricky for most individuals, because it isn’t a surface expression. It is definitely connected with associations and experiences. Your concentration is an underlying constant of what you believe in relation to any given subject.
Like with individuals in relation to allergies, that their body is expressing a reaction and a rejection repeatedly about something in their environment. And the individual is masking it by generating some action to stop it, but they aren’t necessarily addressing to whatever is actually bothersome to them that they are holding a concentration on. Whereas, if they were addressing to that concentration, that allergy would stop.
- Concern
- Caring and concerning are not the same. Concerning is the judgment and the comparison, and it disguises itself – you disguise it – in many different manners that you deem to be good: “I am concerned with this individual for they are very unhappy and they are not accepting of their situation,” or, “I am concerned with this individual for they are very ill and they are very sad.
These are their choices. You may recognize that they are not your choices and they are not your preferences, and therefore you may choose not to generate similar experiences; but they are generating these experiences, and regardless of whether the individual may objectively express that they are unhappy with their choices, they are generating them. They may not like their choices and they may not even want their choices – for you may generate many choices that you do not necessarily want – but they value their choices.
Concern is a projection of your attention outside of yourself and focusing your attention on outside elements in judgments. You express concern in comparisons and judgments that one direction is better and one direction is worse. You concern yourself with another individual for they are not expressing well enough. They are not creating their reality well enough, and you within yourself know a better method. Now; how are you discounting yourself if you know a better method?
If you are elevating of yourself in comparison to another individual, you generate that judgment and that expression in relation to another individual for you are expressing it within yourself that you are not good enough yet, either. Therefore, you attempt to offer yourself a false validation: “I am better than this individual, or my circumstances are better than this individual, or my choices are better than this individual; therefore I may validate myself.” But this is a false validation, for you would not be expressing that judgment were you viewing yourself as acceptable now.
- Concurrent focus
- An essence (think of soul) may incorporate several focuses in the same time framework, most of which shall be approximately within an age span of ten to twenty years; but generally speaking, they do not generate one that is of significant older age. As an example, an essence may be generating five concurrent focuses. Most of those five may be, we shall say, between the physical ages of twenty and forty; one may be quite young. One may be four. But generally speaking – remember this is not a rule – but generally speaking, essences do not generate one focus that is eighty and the other focuses incorporating the ages of twenty to forty, for the disengagement (death) of the one that is older is not considered, so to speak. That is not considered to be concurrent with the bulk, so to speak, of the years that are incorporated by all of the focuses in a particular time framework and the experiences are associated more with a different time period.
- Consciousness
- Essence is not separate and apart from consciousness. There is no separate-and-apart from consciousness. There is no boundary to consciousness. There is no limit to consciousness. Therefore, there is no thing, no element, no action outside of consciousness, for there is no outside.
There is no separation. You create within your Physical reality the illusion of separation by creating individual physical forms, but within consciousness there is no separation of any element of consciousness. Consciousness is all; within all dimensions, within all realities, within all areas, it is. In this, there is no differentiation. There are no masters greater than yourself. There are no heavenly bodies greater than the magnificence of yourself. All is the same. There is no separation within any aspect of consciousness. The action of consciousness is continuous becoming, which is continuous self-discovery, never ending, never beginning. This is the action of all of consciousness.
- Construct
- Construct is an addition, or an attachment to, the belief itself and that construct creates a type of guideline, so to speak, that you adhere to, generally automatically. Without any thought, you merely accept these constructs of the beliefs, and you express them, and they are very influencing of your behaviors and of your choices; and in many capacities, can be limiting or can create conflicts. These constructs have been building for centuries and you continue to adhere to many of these constructs involving your beliefs and how they influence you. And that does create difficulties between you and within yourselves, and it can be conflicting.
A simple example of a belief and a construct around it, would be relationships and the belief of monogamy. Monogamy is a belief. It also falls into the Religious Belief System. Monogamy simply put, is an idea that individuals will couple together and they will form a partnership. That is the belief of monogamy. The construct that you have developed around this simple belief are many. This individual will be the primary focus of your attention always; you will engage sexual intimacy with this individual only, and no other; you will engage any and all choices that you deem important as a joint action with this individual; you will generate a commitment to this individual. Monogamy is a belief defining a partnership. All of the above are the constructs you attach to the belief in monogamy.
Now; this is not to say that you may not agree with many of these constructs, but it is important to understand the difference between a belief and the constructs around it that are influencing you, for this also forms your opinions, and that moves you in the direction of the right and wrong.
- Control
- Control is an illusion. This is an element of your beliefs. You perceive that you are controlling elements of your environment, of yourselves, of each other, of your situations, of your actions. In actuality, this is merely an illusion of perception, for there is no necessity for control. What shall you be controlling that you do not already hold in reality?
You create many thought processes in the area of control in conjunction with yourself and your expression (that which you manifest). The element of what you identify as control within physical focus is a holding to your energy. It is an expression of protection, for within your physical reality, you view yourselves to be safe and protected if you hold control of your expressions and your creations. You do not hold control or lack of control within physical focus or within essence or within consciousness. It is a belief system developed by fear within physical focus. Control within physical focus is a very large issue. All individuals within physical focus hold areas that they feel they must control, and if feeling that they are out of control, this lends to a feeling of helplessness. You are not out of control and you are not in control, for you need not control!
You are creating efficiently, but you have developed these belief systems that suggest to you that you must be continuously in control of your life; for if you are not, many bad things shall be occurring to you!. Feeling separated from this basic element of your existence within this dimension–your subjective awareness–you created the belief system that suggested that you must be allowing more power to your objective awareness. In this, you must hold very tightly to what you have invented as an idea of control.
- Cooperation
- It is also important to understand cooperation. Cooperation is not an action that you engage with other individuals. Your definition of cooperation is skewed. The definition of a cooperation that generally individuals incorporate is that of between individuals that are moving in the same direction, in the same time framework, and you are generating an interaction that is to your preference. You think that is an action of cooperation. No; it is not. Generally speaking, it is an action of compromising, and that is an opposing energy. Cooperation is an action that you generate with yourself in not opposing yourself. It is a recognition of your own guidelines and your own natural flow of energy, what you naturally do, becoming familiar with that and not opposing it. There is great significance and importance between balance and cooperation; not compromise, not acquiescing, not defending, but cooperating and generating from that direction of cooperation a balance. Cooperation allows you a clear avenue to create successfully. Cooperation is expressing freedom in the context of not generating conflict, not generating aggression, but honoring yourself and whatever else it is you are engaging, whatever other individuals you are engaging. Whether it be a specific other individual or whether it be a group of individuals, or whether it be your world in general.
Cooperation is being aware of your guidelines and generating choices that do not oppose your own guidelines and also to not generate expectations of the other individual. You don’t have to agree, you don’t have to have a meeting of the minds, and you don’t have to compromise. It is not a competition. It is not a matter of one has to win or one has to be right. It is a matter of honoring both directions, and then, in that, discovering how you can continue to express your direction without matching energy with the other individual and without discounting them. It is a matter of re-evaluating how to be expressing that cooperation even when you don’t agree, even when you express that some other source is entirely wrong and a significant piece of that is discovering what you are making important, and whether it actually is important or not.
D- Defense
- Defense is an oppositional energy. Therefore, whenever an individual is being defensive, they are opposing. Defense is definitely a matching energy expression, and it is oppositional. Most reactions are also a defense. You are expressing a defense of yourself or of some subject. And in that, you project a force in energy. In this, this is entirely incompatible with being present. And if you are being present, there is no necessity for control or lack of control. Defense can be expressed in many different capacities. Defense is not always expressed in the capacity of what you would perceive as protecting yourself, although that is what you are doing. But it can be expressed in a very aggressive manner.
- Disengaging
- Disengaging is merely a choice. As an individual chooses death, they are choosing to be moving from one country … to another, so to speak.. They move from this country physically into a nonphysical country. In this, they continue, and you — if you are allowing yourself — may continue to be interactive with them. Your interaction is merely different.
The choice to be disengaging this focus of attention is generated in the moment. You choose the moment and you generate the outcome in the moment. You shall incorporate an awareness quite clearly in the moment that you choose to be disengaging. In the moment that you choose the action of death (disengaging), you shall be quite clearly aware of that choice.
- Dominant energy
- This shift in consciousness is also shifting the energy of your reality. To this point, the dominant energy of your reality has been associated with the male gender and the intellectual. In this shift, you are shifting that energy to the female gender and the intuitive. And that male energy has manifest in many different capacities. One of them has been an automatic reaction to that in the encouragement and the promotion of dominance—the instruction of that, the support of that, the encouragement of that, that the male individuals would incorporate that role of being dominant, which has been pervasive in every direction: in physical expressions, in political expressions, in religious expressions, in philosophical expressions, and of course in sexual expressions.
E- Elias
- Elias is an essence that is projecting his energy through layers of consciousness and exchanges energy with Mary Ennis and uses her vocal cords to speak through her.
- Emotions
- Emotions are a form of communication and it may appear on the surface that individuals incorporate the same emotional communications, but in actuality each individual’s emotional communications are unique to them. Emotions within themselves are neutral. They are not good or bad, right or wrong. They are merely an expression of your physical objective reality. They are a base element of this physical dimension. They are an intricate aspect of its design. You are emotional beings, and you express the spectrum of emotional expressions, not only some. Not only the good emotions. You express and experience all of them, and they are all purposeful. For they all communicate to you in relation to your own guidelines. Your emotional communications are quite precise. They address to what you are actually doing in the moment and what is influencing what you are doing. Therefore, they identify beliefs that are being expressed in the moment, and therefore they may be quite valuable in offering you clear information, if you are allowing yourself to pay attention.
You recognize the signals of emotions, the feelings. You identify sadness, frustration, anxiety, anger, joyfulness; but once recognizing the signal, you turn your attention to objective imagery or thought and in this, you are not paying attention to the message which is being communicated in the emotion.
Example: The feeling of hurtfulness is a signal (similar to a phone ringing or a knock on the door), and there is a communication associated with that. What you are generating is the signal to move your attention to the emotional communication. What you are expressing to yourself in that emotional communication is that you are being denied your freedom to create what you want, for creating what you want is dependent upon the choice of another individual. That is what is being triggered and that is what your emotional communication is expressing to you. In this scenario, if the other individual is generating dishonesty with you, that triggers your truth concerning honesty, and that also triggers a denial of yourself, for you deny yourself your expression of appreciation, for it is an automatic response. If another individual is not honest with you, that dictates an automatic response in which you subsequently cannot appreciate the other individual. Therefore, you deny your own freedom of your own expression.
- Energy
- Energy is not a thing but a movement, a motion, an action. Everything incorporates energy. Energy is expressed and created by consciousness and it can be produced into a thing. Each cell, each molecule contains energy and consciousness. There is no annihilation of energy, for energy is never annihilated. It is reformed.
- Energy exchange
- Within the action of an energy exchange, there is much preparation that is involved. It is an agreement between the essence non-physically focused and the individual focus which is physically focused. Within this, the essences non-physically focused incorporate, to your way of thinking, a great deal of time in preparation with the physically-focused individual for the accomplishment of the energy exchange.
There are many elements involved within an energy exchange. To your way of thinking, physically it may be viewed as quite complicated. There are vibrational qualities which must be adjusted. There are physical elements which must be adjusted. There is a “leading up to” the actual physical manifestation or occurrence, which you generally objectively are not aware of the interaction which is occurring.
Mary Ennis is participating in an energy exchange with another essence, Elias. She allows Elias to be objectively expressing to individuals within physical focus. In this there is no energy exchange that incorporates no distortion. This would not be an action that you may be incorporating in this type of situation of energy exchange. Just as within your physical languages, which is a mirror image of consciousness, you may not entirely, literally, and without any element of distortion, translate one language into another language. Elias may not translate energy into your language without any element of distortion.
- Entanglements
- My expression for energy-attachments that I recognize in the ASC state. My image of these energies is that they are entangled with many other energies and it is quite tricky to disentangle them. Without “seeing” or knowing energy it is like the situation of being in a pitch dark room and trying to disentangle a ball of wool. That is possible but it takes a lot of time and determination.
- Essence
- Essence is merely the designation of a personality tone within consciousness. Everything — within every universe, within every space arrangement, within every dimension — is consciousness. Within consciousness, there are designations of personality tone which are essence. Elias has offered information of essence, in manners of speaking, that allude to a “thing” for your understanding, for you do not comprehend the reality of essence and the vastness of essence and the lack of separation.
Each essence is all of consciousness, which provides you no boundaries and no identification. Therefore, Elias speaks to us of what we can understand, but he has also qualified many times that an essence is not an entity. You are not an entity! Essence is not a being like we are entities. Consciousness is not a being. There are no separations and no boundaries to it. Therefore, he offers us information that we automatically create our own visualizations of and our own identifications of and our own explanations of, for this is how you create your thought process within this dimension. This is acceptable, for it is not possible to translate to you within your language the concept of essence. It is more than difficult to translate the reality of essence and consciousness to you. You are intricate, magnificent, multi-dimensional beings, and you hold extreme power. You merely do not allow yourselves to be empowering yourself through the recognition and knowing of what you are, and your abilities.
- Expansion
- Your natural expression is to expand, to explore, to move beyond what you view as your own limitations, to experiment with your abilities, to generate new experiences, to generate the becoming, continuous expansion, continuous knowing of yourself more and more. This is a natural movement of consciousness, a natural expression. This is quite different from striving.
- Expectations
- Expectations are an opposing energy. I am understanding that in many situations this is a difficult concept for individuals to genuinely understand, for you view in certain situations that expectations are normal and that if you do not incorporate them, how can you accomplish? But you can accomplish more effectively and more efficiently, and with less obstacles and less conflict and less confusion if you are not generating expectations, but rather you are focused upon yourself and allowing yourself to generate cooperation. It is important to be aware of not generating expectations of yourself either.
In a situations in which you are engaging an employer and an employee in any capacity, for the general expression and the accepted mass association is that an employer incorporates an employee, and automatically generates an expectation of the employee that they shall generate certain tasks in a particular manner and this is the reason that they have been employed. Therefore, it is quite easy to express that type of association and that type of interaction and not realize that in doing so you are projecting an energy of opposition. The employee also incorporates expectations that they shall incorporate their tasks, and they shall receive payment.
It is commonly expressed between individuals in generating a certain expression, and in that, you expect the other individual to express in like manner. In that, what you create is disappointment within yourself, and you express an energy of threat to the other individual, for you are discounting the other individual. You are disappointing yourself, which is a discounting, and you are also discounting of the other individual, that their expression is not adequate.
If you are experiencing, as you have stated, being excited, and you enter the environment of your partner and you are sharing the excitement and you begin to feel heavy, this is your energy changing. This is your indicator to yourself to pay attention. This is your energy turning from that excitement to the heaviness, which becomes motivated by your automatic response within yourself that your expression is not important enough to warrant a reaction. Whereas, if you are paying attention to you and not questioning yourself, it matters not what another individual’s reaction is, for you shall be more occupied in your attention with your own expression. This type of interaction becomes automatic, for the expectation is ever-present. It is underlying continuously, the expectation that the other individual will not respond in the manner that you want and that you shall be disappointed.
- Extreme
- Let me express to you that even when you move in directions that you think are good and right, they can be extreme. And unless your intent in a particular focus includes exploring extremes, which most of you don’t, then it is a matter of balance. Any extreme is not necessarily to your benefit because even actions or directions that you engage that – as I expressed, you think of as being good or right – can be expressed in extreme and ultimately move you in a direction that is not comfortable and that can even in some situations be harmful to you. For example expressing vulnerability or openness in an extreme can be harmful because when you do that, in a manner of speaking you present yourself in a manner that lays you open and invites anything, whether it is beneficial to you or not. It is a matter of balance.
F- Faith
- Faith is the expression and the action of trusting what you don’t know and what you can’t see, therefore placing your trust in something that you cannot see. That doesn’t mean it isn’t real. Faith is future-based. Faith is the expression of extending that trust to the future in relation to what you can’t see yet and what you don’t know yet, but you trust that future manifestation because you have the trust in what you are doing now. That creates the foundation for that future expression. Faith is that knowing that what you are doing now is affecting, even if you don’t see it now, and eventually you will. Faith is not hope.
- Fear
- Bravery is not the absence of fear. It is the willingness to act regardless of the fear. Acknowledge the fear but in that acknowledgement, do not allow it to dictate to you. Remember: Fear is not a state of being. It is a feeling. And it is a future-based feeling. In this, it is a matter of not allowing the feeling to dictate your choices or your behavior.
Feelings are not meant to be directing you. They are signals. And in that, it is important to acknowledge them, but not to succumb to them, allowing them to dictate your direction or your choices.
- Feelings
- Feelings express a subjective statement and is a in relation to what you are doing now. Feelings are signals. If you are receiving the message, if you are paying attention to the communication, it is not necessary to continue to generate the feeling because it is a signal. What generally occurs is you begin paying attention to the feeling rather than what it means. You are not necessarily paying attention to the message of the feeling, for as Elias has expressed, feelings are very attractive. You like them. Even if they are not good feelings, they are attractive, and you are drawn to them immediately, and you are drawn to them in a very similar manner as an insect to a flame. It matters not that the flame incorporates the potential to be destructive to the insect. It will continue to be drawn to that flicker and that heat. You are drawn, in a very similar manner, to your feelings, to the flicker and the heat of them, and you are fascinated with them, and therefore, you pay attention to them and not necessarily to the statement that they are bringing. Feelings are designed to be attractive in order that you pay attention to them, but they are designed to be a signal. They are signals. They are not designed to dwell upon. They are not designed for you to continue to watch them and pay attention to them and be consumed with them. They are designed to signal you that a message is present.
You incorporate computers in this time framework, and those computers incorporate new mailboxes, correct? And they signal you with numbers or sounds or some type of signal that you incorporate information or communications, correct? Do you dwell upon the number or the signal? No, you immediately move to the messages, and you investigate what the communications are. This is the function of feelings: to signal you.
- Female energy
- Female Energyis a very big aspect of this shift. You are shifting from the male-dominated intellectual energy to the female-dominated intuitive energy, which isn’t only a matter of shifting the energy. It is also a matter of shifting the expression. The intuitive is not necessarily feeling. It definitely isn’t thinking, but it isn’t necessarily feeling, either. It is sensing. It is knowing. These are words that we don’t quite understand yet. It is a matter of beginning to rely on the intuition in equal capacity as you do now rely on thinking, at least in the beginning. Eventually to be relying on intuition more than your thinking. Because intuition actually is an avenue of communication, and thinking is not. Thinking is a translating mechanism. Therefore, what you are doing is you are moving from a translator, an in-between, to a direct source, intuition.
- Focus
- Although essence is not a thing, it may be more closely associated with the idea of an entity. In this, each focus is an attention of that entity, which may or may not be expressed in physical form. There are countless attentions of each essence. Some of those attentions are manifest in physical form; many are not. A focus essentially is specifically defined as a focus of attention. Therefore, it matters not whether the focus of attention is choosing to project a physical body or not. It is a focus of essence, and occurs simultaneously to all other focuses. The uniqueness and the integrity of the focus of attention is not absorbed or lost when the essence is removed from the physical reality. The uniqueness of you as a focus of attention continues in whatever direction you choose to continue within. That may be in a non-physical expression or it may be in a direction of exploring some other reality.
- Freedom
- I would say that the definition of freedom for all of you is your ability to generate choice with as few restrictions as possible. And the reason I don’t say “no restrictions” is because you exist in a physical focus, in a physical manifestation in a physical reality. And in relation to physical reality, there are some – not many, but there are some—limitations in relation to consciousness—not necessarily in relation to your reality, but in relation to consciousness in general. In this, I would say that freedom is the expression of your ability to choose in your reality, within the blueprint of your reality, without restrictions. All of you would likely express to myself that what you definitely prize and value is freedom but freedom often equates to chaos and lawlessness and turmoil. Freedom is not good, for if you allow freedom you definitely will incorporate chaos. The reason you are afraid of freedom is because of groups because groups of individuals can hurt you or threaten you, or they can express in manners that you don’t agree with, or they can overpower you.
- Frustration
- Frustration is a considerable discounting of self. You view frustration to be a normal, natural expression. Frustration is expressed as the signal to the emotional communication that you are limiting yourself and that you are discounting yourself in some manner, that you are not enough, that you are not good enough, that you are not strong enough, that you are not fast enough, that there is some element of lack. You are lacking some expression within yourself, and that generates this signal of frustration. Frustration is not motivating. It is not empowering. It is a discounting of yourself.
G- Genuine Self
- You, within yourselves, incorporate the essence of yourself, which is your genuine self, which is covered by the shell of attachments. Attachments incorporate their uses, but they are not to be mistaken as your identity for they are not. They are not who you are. They may influence what you express or what you do, but they are not who you are.
You are moving in that direction of expressing more from genuine self rather than from attachments and in the recognition of the genuine self and in the being of genuine self and expressing from that beingness, you know you already possess all. Therefore, the passion and the motivation is not goal-oriented. It is generated very differently. It is not the attainment of what you do not have, or what you do not possess, or what you have not expressed yet. It is the movement and the choices of expressing any passion in new manners or in whatever manner you choose.
- Guidelines
- Guidelines are to guide yourselves in your choices and your behaviors, not a standard to hold to everyone else in your reality, meaning no one else need adhere to your guidelines. Each of you have your own guidelines, and therefore you each have a perception of what is right and wrong for you (other people have other guidelines). And when you move in directions that are contrary to your guidelines, that creates a situation in which you do judge yourself and you do move in a direction of guilt and regret. For your own behavior they are right or are wrong, but it is also important to not be stuck in it.
Your guidelines guide your behavior. Therefore, they guide you in directions of how to behave in a natural manner. Your guidelines do definitely incorporate the associations of good and bad and right and wrong in relation to what may be right or wrong for you in your own choices and your own direction, not in general and definitely not in mass expressions. They guide your behavior in relation to outside expressions therefore, beings and situations, people, other beings such as animals, and situations in your world, in your life. In this, it isn’t that it guides your behavior in relation to you; it guides your behavior in relation to outside sources, how you behave in the world.
- Guilt
- Guilt is one of the two manifestations of energy within this physical dimension that you express that may be the most closely associated with a waste of energy. In actuality, there is no waste of energy, but were there any expression of a waste of energy, the expression of guilt and worry would be those. These two expressions of energy serve merely to perpetuate the belief system of duplicity.
They reinforce all that you identify as negative. They reinforce the expression of a discounting of self, a lack of acceptance of self, and they create an expression of devaluation of worth, which in a manner of speaking, figuratively speaking is an expression which is contrary to consciousness and essence. It is not that guilt and worry is not a creation that may serve or that has served as beneficial to you within this physical dimension within different moments of your history, but I shall express to you, within consciousness, were there to be an expression of an unacceptable manifestation of energy, these expressions would be they.
H- Honesty
- Lying is an interesting subject, for it is associated with the belief of honesty, and honesty is an interesting belief and quite not absolute, for this also involves perception.
- Hope
- Hope is very unrealistic. It is the want and the expectation that outside sources will change to fit what you want. Hope inevitably leads you in a direction of disappointment. Hope is not a positive, effective expression. Hope is a main source of disappointment. Faith, however, is definitely a direction that will contribute to you creating what you want.
I- Identity
- Identity is an enormous step in this shift. For identity, in many capacities, is not what you think it is, and therefore, this creates considerable confusion in itself, generating the action of separating the attachments of identity from the genuine identity. Not that you are eliminating or forgetting the attachments and not that they are not a part of your reality; they are. But what you are doing is discovering the difference between those attachments and what is the genuine identity.
You as humans are aware of your identity and who you are and what makes you “you,” from the time that you as essence fully occupy your physical manifestation. Therefore, that would be any time between conception and 2 years old. Now, how you express it or how it is accepted in your society, those are different questions. But being aware of who you are and your identity, you aren’t confused about that. Actually, small ones are much less confused about it. They don’t have a problem with expressing their identity. They don’t see any difficulty in expressing their identity, because they don’t question it. They have no reason to question it. They haven’t been indoctrinated yet and before they are indoctrinated they aren’t afraid, and they aren’t confused; they are simply expressing their identity in a natural capacity.
To this point, and throughout your history, individuals viewed their identity as being shaped by their experiences. They viewed their identity as incorporating their experiences as part of their identity, and all influences. But your individual identity is independent of all of those factors. This is what is very unfamiliar. “You” in your identity is stable and remains the same regardless of whatever influences or experiences you incorporate. That is the core, and this is what you are moving into, the discovery of that.
- Imagination
- Imagination is a form of communication which moves in association with inspiration and offers you the colorful communication, that which you view to be creative. Many times you view imagination as fantasy or non-reality; it is not. It may be offering communications of known realities which are not necessarily manifest in this physical dimension, but whatever you may imagine exists.
Imagination is the expression of tapping into what is known within consciousness, channeling that information which is known into this area of consciousness that you recognize as objective awareness, and translating it into what is recognized and may fit within your understanding of your physical reality.
- Importances
- I reiterate what I expressed in the very onset of this forum: You pay attention to what is important to you. You don‘t pay attention to what isn’t important to you. Therefore, this is significant, because this is the reason that I am expressing so repeatedly to be aware of what you pay attention to. Because whatever you pay attention to, you have made important, and that is the direction that your reality moves in, because that is what you are feeding to perception.
Self-awareness changes importances. When you aren’t being as self-aware and you are, in your terms, paying attention to everything that is buzzing around you, you are making all of that important. And when you are genuinely moving in a direction of being more self-aware, all of that noise becomes unimportant. All of that buzzing around you loses its importance. Your importances change, and that is ultimately significant.
- Impression
- Impression is a communication to yourself. It may not necessarily appear initially to be rational or logical, and it may also appear within your rational thought process to be an expression of imagination. But, what you do not recognize within your beliefs is that imagination is also a communication and quite real. What you may imagine in some expression of consciousness is. Therefore, as you offer yourself information and you generate an impression that may translate into a feeling or an image or a thought, in allowing yourself to become familiar with this inner language and trusting that inner language, as bizarre as it may seem to you objectively, you are offering yourself information. Often you are moving your thoughts into analysis of your impression through the mechanism of logic. Your impressions are not necessarily logical! Therefore, you may not look to them to be logical, but rather, merely allow them to be expressed, for many times they shall not appear to you to be logical. Impressions are presented differently from an emotional communication or from other communications. At times, an impression may be translated initially into a feeling, although the impression itself is not a feeling, but may be translated initially into a feeling. It may be translated into a type of sensing of an energy or of an event; a sensing of movement that you are beginning to be creating.
Many individuals interpret some impressions as a communication in a type of sensing concerning a future event. This may be within a short time framework, or it may be in relation to a longer time framework. It may be within minutes, it may be within hours, it may be within days, so to speak, but there is an interpretation of a sense of an impending action.
- Independence
- One of the attachments that is exceptional strong and will be difficult to address to, to recognize genuinely, to understand genuinely and to let go of genuinely, this attachment is independence. This attachment is intertwined with any and every subject that you can possibly imagine and the strongest expression that intertwines itself with independence is responsibility. They move together as a hand in a glove. The more independent you are, the more responsibility you incorporate, and the more independent you are, the more you are responsible for whatever is in your charge, whether it be objects, whether it be structures, whether it be individuals, whether it be creatures, whether it be expressions. Independence is the moving away from. You do not generate independence TO; you generate independence FROM. You all want independence. You all value independence. You all want to be independent, and you will sacrifice for independence, for this is a very prized gem. And what do you equate independence with? Freedom.
This term “independence” is almost synonymous to you with freedom. I will express to you presently, independence is not freedom and bears little resemblance to actual freedom. Independence is binding. For with independence, it incorporates its own tentacles, which create its own attachments. With independence comes responsibility and control and right choices. These are the foundation of independence. If you are independent, you must generate right choices. You must be responsible, and you must be in control of that independence to maintain it. And the maintenance of independence is an ongoing job! How do you perceive the term “job”? Work. Independence is a job. It requires considerable energy to maintain.
- Intent
Each individual within each physical focus holds an intent — this being that which drives you within your desires of your creations and probabilities throughout the entirety of your focus. You incorporate a purpose but it is not a mission. You incorporate a purpose as a choice to be manifest in this physical dimension, and the purpose in that choice is to experience, to explore this physical dimension. But I may also express to you that each individual that manifests in this physical dimension incorporates an intent that is a general theme that is expressed throughout the entirety of their focus, and all of your experiences are generated in some association with that theme.
Now; in relation to that theme you choose many different more specific directions to be incorporating as explorations, but they are all associated with that general theme. Although at times it may objectively appear to you that there are some experiences or directions that deviate from your theme, they do not. And all of these experiences and explorations in relation to your intent generate your value fulfillment, and as you continue to generate your value fulfillment within this physical dimension, you continue to explore. Once you have accomplished your value fulfillment or once you choose that you are not expressing value fulfillment any longer within this physical dimension, you choose to disengage.
You may discover the theme or your intent for yourself individually in this manifestation in evaluating the entirety of your focus and examining all of your experiences from the onset of your focus, not merely now but through out the entirety of your focus.
- Interconnectedness
- You are expanding in the capacity of allowing yourself to experience more as essence. This is moving in a direction of being self-aware, and in that, knowing your abilities, knowing your power, knowing your abilities and watching that flow, being aware of that interconnectedness, that flow of how each action flows into the next action and how you are making that happen. You are doing it with every choice that you engage. Everything is a part of you, and you are a part of everything else. It merely seems that you aren’t because you generate a perception of separation and individual manifestations, but you aren’t. And you are at a point now in your evolution that you can accept that interconnectedness and that lack of separation without threatening your identity.
You don’t know how to do that yet, but you can. And it won’t threaten your identity, because your identity individually isn’t threatened or isn’t taken away because you can perceive yourself to be interconnected and to be a part of everything and that everything is a part of you. And that is definitely not intellectual—it is experiential, that it isn’t a matter of altering your senses to input to you that the tree outside doesn’t exist as a tree outside, separate from you. Yes, it does – in your physical reality. But that you experientially also know, because you experience it, that you ARE that tree and that tree is you. You know that through experience, and your perception allows it in experience.
- Investment
- Investing is more than simply participating. Investing is you are willingly, wantingly engaging and putting your energy into something, in a manner of speaking, in a personal capacity in which you are personally projecting your energy into something that is considerably important and valuable to you.
Investing with your energy is very similar to investing with money. You place a value on money. And when you invest that money into something, it is because you value what you are investing in. But there is another piece. Because that investment holds that perception of being personal – personal to yourself, not necessarily personal in relation to the thing that you are investing in but what belongs to you, you are investing in that outside source because it is valuable and important to you.
And what happens automatically when people invest, because they haven’t quite learned how to not do this, they automatically generate an expectation of reciprocation, that there will be a return on their investment, that it will yield towards them. This is the personal aspect, in that the individual is not simply involved in participating in a particular expression or direction, but they are beyond involved. They are also personally investing what they have, whether it be their energy or some physical manifestation, they are investing something that belongs to them. Therefore, now it becomes personal. With that investment, they expect a return. What I would say in that, very strongly and directly, is that this is a pitfall in relation to investment. That this is something that is learned, that when you invest that you expect reciprocation. You expect a return on your investment. And you don’t expect to lose.
In this, this is the reason that many individuals don’t invest themself in things or directions or expressions unless they are relatively certain that they will generate the type of return that they expect, and that they won’t lose, because they aren’t willing to risk because there is that piece of that expectation of return on investment, the reciprocation. As you become more self-aware, then you also become more aware that that piece of reciprocation is precisely that. It is an expectation. And it is not necessarily a good expectation. It isn’t necessarily a beneficial expectation. It is one that leads you in a direction of potential disappointment. It is beneficial to invest yourself, to invest your energy in any direction that interests you and that you express a curiosity about, but it is also important that you recognize that it isn’t a matter of holding that expectation of that reciprocation. That you invest because it benefits you, because you learn something, because you gain an experience. Even if you, in your perception, lose something, you have gained an experience. Therefore, it IS beneficial for you to be investing.
- Invisible container
- You generate automatic choices that you are objectively not paying attention to, and in some of those actions, what you are doing, figuratively, is placing a certain type of energy into this figurative invisible container that you carry with you throughout your day. As you continue to place this energy in this container, it begins to fill. At the point in which it becomes full and begins to overflow. Figuratively you turn, notice the container. In being more aware of your motivation, being more aware of your signals, your feelings and what they mean; being more aware of expressing yourselves, expressing your feelings, generating that release of energy, you therefore you are not moving in that old direction of filling that invisible container any longer. And that also is very much related to being present.
- Involvement
Involvement is when you are participating in any given subject or direction or action.
K- Knowing
- Knowing is a genuine lack of doubt, a genuine confidence and not questioning. There is a definite confidence and trust in that in which you do not doubt what you know and it becomes very solid within you. And that also contributes to trusting the genuineness of yourself much more, for you are aware that you incorporate the ability to know information without studying, without presenting outside information to yourself. What you are doing is you are generating that genuine connection within yourself of your own knowledge, which is a part of that remembrance, which is what you are shifting into. The more you generate this knowing and become more and more familiar with it, the less you will doubt it and the less you will seek validation in some outside source to corroborate.
Individuals generate this knowing and this action differently. Not everyone is visual. There are much fewer individuals that are visual individuals that generate images or pictures. Most individuals don’t translate that knowing or information through visuals, and it isn’t that it is better or worse. It is what the individual themself is comfortable with and what they are accustomed to.
I would say that most individuals translate knowing’s and information through an emotional communication, and give themself signals through feelings about those communications. Then there are some individuals that generate the action, or the translation in a manner of speaking, in a similar manner to you in which they sense it, and they incorporate that knowing and they can translate that into thoughts, but the actual information of what they know is actually being communicated through a sensing. It isn’t actually a feeling, and isn’t a visual.
Then there are some individuals that are very visual individuals and they automatically translate in that capacity in which they present that knowing to themselves in pictures.
L- Love
- The actual definition that you may apply in your terms and in your physical dimension of the translation of love is knowing and appreciation – not the translation which you create within this physical dimension, associated with sexuality or emotion. The incorporation of these two expressions, knowing in genuineness – knowing yourself, knowing of another individual – and a genuine appreciation, this combination of expressions is love. You generate an emotional signal that you define as the feeling of affection in association with the expression of love, of knowing and appreciating.
- Loyalty
- Loyalty is an action of standing by — standing by an idea, standing by a concept, standing by a philosophy, standing by an action, standing by an individual, standing by yourself. It is the action of not supportiveness but supporting. It is the action of supporting unwaveringly whatever is being expressed that you agree with. You are not loyal to what you do not agree with. You are loyal to what you do agree with.
Now; that may seem somewhat black and white, but in actuality, it is not. For you may disagree with many actions or many expressions or behaviors or even ideas and continue to be loyal. For you may be being loyal to a friendship, which you agree with the idea of the friendship, and therefore, you may be loyal to the friendship and also disagree with many aspects of the friendship or with the other individual.
You may incorporate many judgments in relation to the subject, but the loyalty is that you will support the baseline regardless whether it is right or wrong, for there is some other aspect that you are loyal to.
N- No absolute
This is the point of the significance of your recognition that there are no absolutes. The significance of no absolutes is its influence with each of you in allowing you to be accepting of duplicity, recognizing that you continue to incorporate your opinions, your preferences, your expressions, but knowing that another individual may generate very differently and you need not express a judgment in association with that, but merely acknowledge the difference.
O- Offering
- If you are genuinely offering, you offer with no expectation, and that is your choice. You choose to be offering in conjunction with your preferences and your beliefs, but you incorporate no expectation and therefore no judgment.
- Opposing
- One of the most obvious forms of opposition is expectation, and expectations are easily identified, for generally speaking, expectations are expressed in shoulds or should nots. You should create this. You should not create that. Or other individuals should do this or other individuals should not express in this manner. Each time you express an expectation, you are generating an opposing energy. Each time you compare yourself or comply or compromise or experience defensiveness or generate personal responsibility, you are generating an opposing energy. Concerning yourself with what other individuals’ perception is, is another form of opposition, for it is a form of defense, and any form of defense is opposing. There are many, many forms of opposition that may be expressed in many moments in each of your days. At times even compromise and even acquiescing can be a form of opposing. Agitation can be a form of opposing. The point is — especially in this time framework, as it is so easily expressed to be opposing — it is highly significant that you pay attention and be aware of yourself and intentionally cooperate. Cooperation may be expressed in many avenues, and it does not include compromise. Once again, compromise is another form of opposing and therefore is not the point.
You do not merely oppose outside of yourselves with other individuals; you frequently oppose yourselves. You oppose yourselves in what you create, in what you manifest, in what you do not manifest, in what you cannot manifest in your perception, in what you are not manifesting well enough or good enough or fast enough. You oppose yourselves in many, many manners quite frequently. Another opposing energy is attempting to force yourself to like where you are when you do not. Therefore, you deny your preference. The more you concentrate upon this dislike, the more intense it becomes, and it grows and grows and grows, and you become miserable.
P- Patience
Patience is an action of allowance. It is an action of relaxing and allowing the flow of energy within yourself and allowing yourself to participate with other energies around you in allowance in whatever direction it shall naturally flow, without an expectation. Patience is never waiting, because patience is an action in itself, and that is the action of allowance. Therefore, if you are impatient, what are you doing? You are not allowing.
- Perception
- What you hold in concentration and what you pay attention to is what feeds your perception. It is the film that passes through the projector, and the projector reads that film and projects out images, which is your reality. And each and every one of you are projecting your own reality every moment of every day of your existence.
The key element is the objective mechanism of perception. For what you are actually doing is projecting energy. You each project energy to each other, and in the receiving of the energy – not in the projecting of it, but in the receiving of it – each individual configures that energy into solid manifestations. Therefore, you view the solid manifestation of another individual with a particular eye color and hair color and a particular form, a particular height and weight. In this, the other individual is projecting an energy to you with that information, and you configure immediately the energy that you have received to generate the manifestation of the other individual in association with what you have received, which occurs instantaneously.
Perception may be likened to a holographic projector. This projector creates images, and they are very real and quite solid, although you can also create them to be less solid and manipulate them in different manners. Your senses are involved, but they are involved as reflecting back to you what you have projected and created. Your perception pushes out that energy and projects it and creates with time. There is the combination of energy and time, which together create matter, which is your physical reality.
Now, perception involves more than only matter, but your senses input back to you what your perception has projected and what it has created. Therefore, your own senses are a reflecting mechanism, a reflecting aspect of yourself that allows you to see, hear, touch, taste, smell what you have created. And therefore, you can define it through your senses, but the actual mechanism of perception is a projecting mechanism. It projects energy outward from you and creates physical manifestations and matter, but not only matter. Perception is very strongly influenced by the collective. Perception is an actual mechanism. Now, there are different influences in relation to that mechanism and how it functions, but they aren’t actually a part of the mechanism itself. An example would be your heart is an organ. It is a particular mechanism itself. Now, there are expressions that can influence the functioning of your heart, but they aren’t a part of it. Such as, you can be expressing considerable stress, and that can influence and affect the function of your heart, but the stress isn’t a part of the mechanism itself.
Your perception is not, as I said, a matter of what you think or feel. What you think or feel can influence it, though; such as, if you are tremendously afraid of something, that can influence what you project in energy in your perception, and you very likely will create something to be afraid of, whether you think of it as real or imagined. Generally, how you incorporate your own explanations to yourself about perception, that your perception is what you believe about something; it is what you think about it or what you feel about it, what you believe about reality, but that your perception isn’t necessarily real—it is your opinion about something. And then there is the official reality, and that is real. And you interact with that, but sometimes you are removed from it because of your perception.
There is no separate, official reality. There is only the reality that each of you create. And they do intersect with each other, but each of you is creating the official reality. And it is created through your perception.
- Perpetrator
- Perpetrator is simply the designation of an expression of an individual in which they are reversing the role of the victim.
- Power
- There is an automatic association that power may be harmful. And in this recognize that power is actually your ability to manipulate energy naturally in any manner. It is not an expression that necessitates fear, for it is evidenced in all that you do in each of your days. You express a tremendous power in all that you are generating, but you do not perceive that to be your power. You perceive this idea or this concept of power as being some expression or element that you have not tapped into fully yet or that you have not yet experienced, which is not the situation. It is merely that you are not recognizing the power that you already do express.
The more power you realize you have, the less of it you actually use. Paying attention and being present in the now is very important. That is the point of your power, and you deny your power in projecting and not paying attention to the now.
- Preference
Preferences are merely preferred beliefs. There are no expressions within your physical reality that are not influenced by beliefs. A very strongly associated attachments to your identity that you express are preferences. Preferences are not your genuine identity. Preferences are an attachment to your identity. But you view them, you look at them as a part of your identity and in that it allows you to justify what your preferences are. Not that preferences need be justified. They are a part of your reality. Preferences are beliefs that are preferred. And therefore they are actions that are preferred. They are expressions and behaviors that are preferred. They are manifestations that are preferred. The are not who you are or what you are. They are attachments to that. But they are quite in alignment with your reality and with one of your belief systems which is duplicity. Which generates the evaluation and the identification of good or bad. And that sets what you define as what you prefer and what you do not prefer. What you prefer is good. What you do not prefer is not good and therefore is bad. This is not wrong. It is the design of your reality. You all incorporate preferences you all incorporate opinions and those are all associated with duplicity which is the judgment of any expression of whether it is good or bad.
- Presence
- Presence is an awareness objectively of you, that you exist. Presence is your awareness that you are a being and that you exist in this moment. It is an awareness of the entirety of you in the now. Presence is not necessarily listening to your communications. Presence is not necessarily being aware of your environment. Presence is not necessarily being aware of what you are doing. Presence is not even necessarily being aware of what type of energy you are projecting. Presence is being aware that you actually exist and experiencing the existence of yourself. This is a very significant subject. It is one that is quite unfamiliar to most individuals throughout your reality. Being present is being aware of your participation in the moment, in whatever you are doing, and being aware of your existence in that. When you are aware of your own existence, it changes your perception. And when you are aware of how you are participating in everything, in anything, in the moment and not drifting past or future, but are aware of being now, being present, participating—which is challenging, for you are not accustomed to doing that—but when you are, your perception changes. It is not that you exclude anything outside of you or in your environment. It is not that you are not paying attention to everything around you, but you are a part of it.
But, in shifting and in the movement that is occurring in this time framework and the ease in which opposition is being expressed, it is important to be aware of your own presence. The most common example of you experiencing your own presence. The most common example of an individual actually experiencing their own existence and presence is generally in situations in which the individual creates some extreme uncomfortable situation in some manner. Generally speaking, pain is an excellent example of being present of your existence within yourself — be it physical pain, emotional pain or what you term to be mental pain.
- Pushing
Pushing creates that expression of impatience, of not allowing, and generally speaking, you may want to engage an action, but you may not feel entirely motivated to do it
There may be many different reasons as to what influenced that feeling that you may not initially be motivated to engage a particular action. It may be that you do not entirely trust yourself or that you are not entirely acknowledging yourself. But there is a persistence that you want to do this action, and therefore, you may actually choose to override the hesitation or override the resistance, which is the discounting. Therefore, you are overriding that discounting of yourself and moving into the action regardless, to allow yourself to accomplish.
When you are pushing, you actually genuinely do not want to engage an action, and you are forcing yourself to generate it regardless, and there is no satisfaction in that. When you accomplish the action, you are not satisfied with it, for it was moving in a push, in a force — you did not actually want to engage it, it wasn’t genuine to you, it may not be in alignment with your own guidelines, and you knew that, whether you define it to yourself or not. You are expressing that to yourself in your own communications, for your emotional communication is telling you. This is the message: you do not want to engage this action.
R- Reaction
- Reaction is expressed in relation to threat in varying degrees. If there were no threat, you would not react. Even when you react in a capacity of excitement, the initial reaction is startled. And in that, it may not be necessarily what you would think of as a bad threat, but anything that initially is perceived as a threat creates a reaction. If you are responding in reaction, you are generating a defensive energy, which is opposing. You project energy, you reflect, and you either react or you choose. No other entity can deny you anything unless you accept that, unless you are denying yourself first, for you are projecting energy, and then you are reflecting that energy.
And in that, from that reflection, what do you do? You either empower yourself and choose, or you react. The blame, the judgment is reaction. That is not choosing. When YOU react to another individual, generally speaking, you are either threatened or you are defending some element or position within yourself, or you are questioning some element within yourself and that creates a reaction
Reaction is a detrimental action. It is not balanced and it is very much associated with automatic responses but in extreme. When you generate reactions, what occurs is it clouds your perception and it disempowers you tremendously, for the reacting to any aspect, any expression creates a situation in which your energy moves to a stop point, in which you automatically are in a perception that you do not incorporate any choices.
Beyond not perceiving that you have choices, another aspect of reacting which is destructive, is that it does not merely discount yourself, the other individual and the situation. It moves beyond that in a destructive manner, for reacting influences the individual that is doing the reacting to act and behave in manners that are aggressive. When you do that, you create a punch action in energy which is very oppositional and you create precisely the reverse of what you want. Reacting is a destructive action and in this you may discover that you may be reacting to many situations, but this is your opportunity to stop and pay attention to this reaction.
- Redefining
- Many of your identifications of what you have viewed as the norm, and as you have stated, as absolutes, are altering. You are redefining your reality and the terms that you express in association with your reality. In redefining terms you redefine perception. For the manner in which this shift in consciousness becomes inserted into your objective officially accepted reality in your dimension is to be recognizing your definitions of terms, allowing yourselves to move into a wider awareness objectively, redefine your terms, and therefore move your perception into redefining your actual physical reality and this begins with the redefining of your terms.
- Reflection
- You project energy that you generally aren’t objectively aware of. This is the reason that you generate reflections, to allow you to be aware of what you are projecting. But you don’t necessarily see what your projection is in that reflection. You automatically move to mirrors, and you don’t necessarily see what is the interaction that is occurring. In every reflection, there is a piece that you want, regardless of what it is. Regardless of whether you hate the subject or not, there is something that you are reflecting to yourself or you would not present it to yourself.
Reflections are the presentations of your choices. Therefore, in that, what are your choices in relation to this type of an experience. This is the aspect of reflection that so many individuals confuse. They think of reflection as a mirror: if this individual is expressing in this manner, I must be doing that. No, not necessarily. You may not be. But it may be an opportunity for you to look at other factors, not necessarily what I am doing that is creating this reflection, but I am drawing this reflection to myself to be aware of other factors and what my choices are. And in that, what can I choose differently that will allow me to accomplish what I want to accomplish in an easier and more flowing manner. The reflection of what you are doing is always in front of you. How you pay attention to that reflection is questionable. What you do with that reflection is the tricky aspect, for what you generally do with most reflections is react to them.
- Remembrance
- The remembrance of the lack of separation of essence to focus. Each focus holds all of the information of essence, but you also hold a lack of remembrance. You hold no memory of essence. You have separated. You have divorced yourself from essence for the purity of your experience within this dimension. But now, as you move into the action of this shift in consciousness, you reconnect yourselves with essence, and as you accomplish this, as you widen your awareness and open yourselves to essence, you also at times may hold anxiety or even the emotion of sadness or fearfulness or dread. This is because you have divorced yourself so very far from essence and its expression that moving closer to this natural expression of essence may be objectively fearful or hold anxiousness to you. It may even cause you sadness in what you have in your objective thought process lost.
You have purposefully created what you have created within your separation for the purity of your experience.
- Resilience
- Resilience is the ability to have an experience and not be permanently affected by it.
- Rippling
- Every action that is generated by any aspect of consciousness affects all of consciousness, for it generates an action of expansion and it ripples outward.
S- Self-aware
- Being self-aware is being present and in that many individuals become accustomed to not being present. Generally speaking small ones are very present, but as they grow, they are influenced in many different manners to be moving their attention outside of themselves. And in doing so that becomes more familiar than being present. Therefore, they become accustomed to holding their attention outside of themselves and they, in a manner of speaking, forget how to be present, and therefore, it covers their self-awareness, or being self-aware. If you are self-aware, it is important to be aware of what you are doing and therefore know what type of energy you are projecting and what you are participating in. For it is a fascination to interact with individuals that express that they are very much in opposition to expressions such as oppression or war and these types of conflicts, but express tremendous conflict in their home and generate considerable conflict with their families, and express exceptional judgments.
Becoming much more self-aware and moving in new directions, in that process, as you expand, an energy builds. And what generally occurs while you are expanding, much to your confusion, is that you begin presenting difficulties to yourselves, problems. In that, it seems to be contrary to what you are doing. You are expanding, you are becoming more aware, then why are you creating these difficulties? And why are you generating these problems or these manifestations and discomfort? That is all part of the process.
As you expand, you build that energy, in a very similar manner to that star. And in that, it pulls to the surface all the debris that has built up energy within you. And, in a manner of speaking, as you become more aware, that explodes. And in that, what it does is it creates this allowance for you to expand more, and more quickly. It is not always comfortable; in many situations it is uncomfortable. But it is not necessarily bad, for it serves a purpose.
- Separation
- Separation is a built-in factor into physical reality since all physical realities incorporate varying degrees of separation. In relation to reducing separation, understand first of all you don’t eliminate it altogether. You aren’t removing separation altogether.
There is a point to recognizing that there actually is no separation, but there also is a point to separation. It is not that separation is bad. It serves an important function and purpose, in that it allows you to hold to your identity, it allows you to create within the blueprint of this reality, it allows you not to be confused or overwhelmed or lost in the vastness of yourself, for you continue to hold the strength of your individuality, and that is influenced by separation. There also is a benefit to generating some expressions of separation in some situations.
- Striving
- Striving is an action in which you attempt to be better, for you are not adequate enough now. You are not good enough now, therefore you must be better.
- Subjective/Objective awareness
- The difference between subjective and objective is that the subjective is quite precise and literal, while the objective is abstract. Therefore, one action that you may be incorporating subjectively, one direction, one motion that you may be creating subjectively, may be incorporated in thousands of manners objectively, for the objective awareness is abstract. It is quite the reverse of what you think. You associate your subjective awareness with dream state. Your dream state is quite objective. If you generate imagery in association with physical reality, it is objective. Your objective awareness is busy enough, as I have expressed. It is very busy maintaining perception, which is a very large job, because perception is creating every aspect of your reality.
Therefore, that is considerable in relation to the objective awareness. When you are engaging the waking state, your objective awareness is directing all that you do. This is not to say that your subjective awareness is following your objective awareness; it is not. They are equal, and they are in harmony. The subjective awareness in its directions discovers the most efficient and effective path, so to speak, to accomplish any particular action. That may be creating a malfunction and dis-ease within the body consciousness to express a message to your awareness in relation to what you are doing objectively. It is not concerned with the comfortable or the uncomfortable; it is concerned with accomplishing.
The second step
T- The Shift
- You engage presently a shift in consciousness, which escalating and is affecting of all of you individually and also en masse. Odd and peculiar events occur within your present time framework, and this moves more intensely as you move forward within your linear time. In this, waves occur in consciousness. Let me express to you that there is no separation within consciousness, and although you view yourselves to be separate individuals, and within this reality objectively you are, you are also not. You are all interconnected within consciousness, and you hold no separation. You affect each other en masse and individually, and in this you share many experiences. Presently, within this now, a wave is occurring within consciousness which is directly involving this shift in consciousness. Many individuals are beginning now to be experiencing elements of trauma and confusion. Now; the reason that I (Elias) speak with all of you is to be offering information in regard to this shift in consciousness, and in that to be affecting in lessening the trauma that shall be associated and is associated with this shift. And now, it begins. I have been speaking for a time period with many individuals as to this shift in consciousness, but I have also been offering information to all of these individuals of self, that they may better understand their individual selves and interactions and therein hold a greater understanding of the action of this shift in consciousness. This shift is global. You have agreed within essence to be creating a new type of reality within your particular dimension, which is this, and in this physical manifestation you have exhausted your wonderment with your experiences that you have created previously, and now move into a new area of experience.
This is the wondrousness of your reality and of this shift, of how much more intimate you may be with yourself and therefore how much more of your ability you may express. In a manner of speaking, it is likened to the metaphor of the usage of your brain. Your scientists express that you incorporate merely 15 percent usage of your brain and the other 85 percent is not being accessed; you may liken that to your abilities within your reality, that you allow yourself an objective awareness and usage of 15 percent of your abilities. In actuality, now as you are shifting, you are allowing yourselves to discover the wondrousness of the other 85 percent. But in these changes, there also is trauma, and there is confusion and distress. Individuals are experiencing intensities and are confused in what they are experiencing. It is a very large misunderstanding and misconception that many, many individuals hold in conjunction with this information. They misunderstand, and have created a thought process in conjunction with this shift in consciousness in the reverse.
It is not that this shift in consciousness shall happen to you, and that you are waiting for it to materialize and appear within your reality as an object. It is that you are creating it, and by your actions and your alterations of your focuses individually and en masse, this is what creates the movement of inserting this shift into your physical dimension and creates it — more and more with each piece, figuratively speaking — as a reality.
- Thought
- Thought is a translation mechanism, and therefore it is not always accurate in its translations. It is not an avenue of communication. The snare in this situation is that you are moving your attention to thought as a communication. Therefore, you rely upon the expression of thought to be offering yourself information, and this is not the area in which information is produced. It is a translating mechanism. Therefore, if you are not moving your attention to communications, the translating mechanism of thought offers you general interpretations rather than specific and clear translations of what you are expressing to yourself, and once again you become confused.Thinking about an emotion is not bad and this is a natural expression, for thought is a translating mechanism. Therefore, its function is to be objectively translating to you in images and language the communication that you offer to yourself in emotion or in other avenues of communication also. You think that as you concentrate upon a thought process that you shall create a projection of energy, and this shall create what you want as manifest within your reality. But, you create what you concentrate upon in strength, and what you allow the greatest strength in concentration with is the influence of your beliefs.TortureTorture is the expression and the invention of creative manners in which individuals can inflict pain and terror on another. Creative invention and execution of pain, suffering and terror. And it can be expressed in relation to any being. It doesn’t have to be in relation to another human.
- Torture
- Torture is the expression and the invention of creative manners in which individuals can inflict pain and terror on another. Creative invention and execution of pain, suffering and terror. And it can be expressed in relation to any being. It doesn’t have to be in relation to another human.
- Transition
- As you choose to disengage physical focus you enter into an area of consciousness, an action, which we term transition.
- Trauma
- There are two manners in which you can generate the distinction of significantly difficult and affecting experiences and traumatic experiences. Trauma generally, genuine trauma, involves the perception of the individual that they are either being threatened with the possibility of death, therefore the threat of the trauma is so great that it involves a very real possibility of death or life-threatening situations, or that it is the presentment of life-threatening or death in relation to witnessing death. Trauma doesn’t necessarily have to include experiences that are witnessing or engaging with a life-threatening situation or death, but it could also include the perception of the possibility of that.
When an individual experiences trauma in their life, it not only creates some of that attachment in relation to their identity, but it also has an effect of fracturing them, in a manner of speaking. It fractures a part of their being. And because of that, then in addition to the attachment, there is almost the opposite effect occurring at the same time. Meaning an attachment is an addition to your identity, something you add to what you perceive to be your identity. But when the individual incorporates trauma, it not only creates an adding to, but it also creates a taking away. There is a piece of their identity that is taken away and hidden, and that is the fracturing element of the trauma effect.
- Trigger
- A trigger is merely a recalled or resurfaced memory. That is what a trigger is and that can be sparked by anything. The spark happens in the now, but what it sparks is the recall of memory. What happens is the individual generates some type of experience at some point, and with that experience they create that experience and they generate an association with it.
Let’s say you have experienced some threatening action in the past and now something happens and it may trigger some aspect in you that you have an association with, and suddenly you discover yourself breathing fast, and your heart is pounding and you are experiencing an anxiety attack. The threat is that association. Some experience happens that you have generated an association with and something triggered it, and now you are generating that signal: something is very threatening. It does not feel safe. Regardless that the individual presently may not be engaging any action that is harmful or that is distressing.
- Trust
- Trust in some capacities for many individuals, can be somewhat elusive: What is trust? How do I know that I am trusting? One manner in which you know you are trusting is to ask yourself what you believe, for you do trust that and how easily you express that. It does not incorporate much effort or work. In whatever you believe, you merely believe it, and that is a very strong example of what you trust and how you trust. If I believe this, I trust it. This is a manner in which you can evaluate with yourselves how you are trusting, what you trust, what you do not trust, and a manner in which it is easy to define what you are trusting and what you are not trusting in relation to yourselves. also: “What do I believe about myself? What do I not believe about myself?
Trust is an expression that only occurs in the present. Trust is an action and an expression that does not occur in past or future. It only occurs in the present, and trust is very strongly linked to what you believe in the moment.
When individuals express a very strong trust, it matters not how you label that trust. It accomplishes equally as well regardless of how you label it. Whether you label it in relation to a saint, an angel, god or yourself, it matters not, it is a source of power.
In the present you are trusting. And from that trust, what stems from that is the faith that that trust carries into the future and is creating what you have set in motion in the future, because you have that faith in yourself, in your ability, in what you are creating and what you are choosing. The faith stems from the trust. The trust is now, the faith is future.
- Trying
- Trying is useless. It is, in a manner of speaking, futile. It does the opposite of what you want. It doesn’t allow you to accomplish, because if you are moving in a direction of trying, you already have expressed you can’t do something. You don’t have to believe something initially. That isn’t trying. Trying is different, because trying is an action in which you think you believe something and you are in actuality generating an action of attempting to force it into your reality because you think you believe it. Whereas, you can move in a direction in which you are actually practicing being directing and being intentional. Even if you don’t believe something, do it anyway, or express it anyway, because that is how you became what you are now.
- truth-truths (absolute truths)
- This is the definition of a truth, that it shall translate in every area of consciousness. Truth is not what you define it to be within your physical dimension, for all that is generated in experiences and in actual manifestations within your physical dimension is generated through perception. Color is a truth. You shall become aware that I speak of truths seldom, for truths are constants and absolutes throughout all of consciousness, which within any particular dimension, they are not recognized. They are distorted and not completely understood, and the importance placed on them is little. You search for truths within your beliefs and you look to philosophical areas or religious areas. Truths, within consciousness, are those elements of consciousness that are within all dimensions and that hold an element of significance within all areas of consciousness, physical and non-physical. Their translation may be different, but they are constants. Color is one. Tone is another, love is also a truth.
V- Value fulfillment
- All of consciousness exists with value fulfillment. Every aspect of consciousness holds choices. Every creation chooses its own manifestation for its own value fulfillment, and also for the value fulfillment of consciousness.
You have all encountered these terms for an extended time framework. You are familiar with the terms “value fulfillment.” But you are not familiar with their definition. You all recognize the term “value” and you all understand the term of fulfillment, independent of each other. Now; if your value fulfillment is being expressed throughout the entirety of your focus from the moment you emerge to the moment you disengage, what do you value that you are fulfilling?
If you are generating bliss for an extended time framework, you surely shall create some conflict for you become bored with bliss continuously. Therefore, what do you value? Drama, excitement, surprise, differences, change, exploration. These are expressions and movements that you value, and they may be accomplished in many different manners, not necessarily pleasant. But they are accomplished.
Value is associated with your exploration. It is the quest of your exploration, not to acquire but to discover what is already, and this is accomplished in this physical dimension through experience. It is accomplished through experience within all of consciousness, but within quite a different manner. But value is associated with the actual discovery through exploration and not all individuals generate value fulfillment in what you view to be positive expressions or comfort. Some individuals choose to be exploring being a victim. Some individuals choose to explore intensity. Some individuals choose to explore drama. Some individuals choose to explore discomfort.
If their value fulfillment is not materializing or accomplishing, they shall discontinue. If you are, within consciousness, not fulfilling the highest value of your expression, you shall discontinue the expression, for it is unnecessary. All of consciousness, to the extreme of each atom, each link of consciousness, exists within the intent, so to speak, of individual value fulfillment. This is to be the most fulfilled expression of its being. Therefore, its purpose is in its own beingness. If you have, in your manner of thinking, accomplished or completed your value fulfillment within an individual focus, you will cease the focus. You shall disengage the particular focus, for it shall be unnecessary for you to be continuing. Your purpose is to be experiencing within all elements of consciousness, physical and non-physical, which allows you the accomplishment of your individual value fulfillment and your continuous exploration within the action of becoming. This is your purpose.
Within each focus, you may term your purpose to be the following of your individual intent within that particular focus, and the accomplishment of your value fulfillment within your intent. I shall express to you, all of you are creating your value fulfillment, and all of you are creating experiences that are beneficial to you. They may not be objectively comfortable, and they may express conflict and confusion within you, but they are beneficial and you are choosing all of these experiences. This, I may express to you, is the most difficult concept for all of you to be incorporating as reality, that you actually do create — objectively — all of your reality, every moment, and that all of that reality is chosen. It is a choice.
- Victim
- In that, it is a matter of the individual that is the victim doesn’t always necessarily know objectively that they are a victim. This may seem ludicrous to some people, and to some people they may question that and express, “How can you not know that you are being a victim?” It is not difficult to move in those directions. One of the most common expressions of being a victim and not knowing, not realizing that you are a victim, is when the individual is expressing allowing actions that are harmful to them to be expressed because they love someone. For they will put up with and they will endure harmful actions to themself, to their psyche, to their emotional well-being and to their physical well-being. They will allow harmful actions to be expressed in relation to themself because they love the other individual and they don’t believe – and this is very common – they do not believe that the other individual wants to be hurtful to them. Because they believe that the other individual loves them also. And that is difficult for many individuals to actually admit. They don’t want to express that word. That is weak and very bad to be a victim. It can be very efficient and it can change the type of interactions that you have with other individuals. It changes how they interact with you. Unfortunately, in repeatedly perceiving oneself as a victim, in a manner of speaking, in your terms, it backfires on most individuals in which it creates a horrific circle in which the individual is expressing themself as a victim and that actually influences the people around them to victimize them more, which is a very unfortunate circle. The tremendously unfortunate aspect of viewing yourself as a constant victim is that you attach to your identity that you actually intrinsically have no power. Therefore, how can you accomplish? How can you be successful? How can you engage almost anything, if you have no power? You have nothing to draw on.
- Vulnerability
- Vulnerability is not a negative. It is not an open invitation to be hurt. Vulnerability is an expression of openness that allows you to gain. It allows you to receive. Contrary to religious beliefs that express “giving is much better than receiving,” I (Elias) would disagree. Receiving is the ultimate gift that you can offer to yourselves, for there is so much richness in your reality that receiving is merely an action of allowing yourself to absorb that richness, to participate with that richness. It is not always that it generates the action of giving a thing to one another. Receiving is an action of allowance. It is yourself allowing yourself to connect, to draw-in from outwardly. A significant point in relation to vulnerability is that individuals are leery of expressing that openness and vulnerability, for you automatically associate that that creates an open door for any other individual to be hurtful or to be intrusive or to take advantage. No individual can be intrusive, hurtful or take advantage of you unless you allow them to do so. Generally speaking, when you allow them to do so, you are already projecting an energy of discounting yourself, which is drawing that action to you. When you are confident within yourself, you can afford to be vulnerable, for you are not generating the fear of the threat that there is some hurt. For there is no threat of hurt in genuine vulnerability, in genuine openness, for you are already aware that if there is a hurt, you are creating it, not the other individual.
W- Waiting
- Waiting is not an action of allowance. It is waiting and anticipating, and it is expecting that some occurrence or action shall be inserted into your reality, not by you but by some miraculous cosmic action and that shall be your sign and thusly you shall act. Which is a method and it is not wrong, but I am merely clarifying that patience is not waiting.
- YCYR: (You create your reality) Many individuals have presented themselves with the concept of “you create your reality”. Many individuals believe that they accept this concept as truth. In theory, you accept this concept. In reality, you do not accept this as reality. You accept this as an idea. It is easy and acceptable to accept the idea and the concept as an ideal, something to be striving for, something to be attained, something that you wish to be creating, but in actuality few individuals incorporate this concept as reality completely.
You may offer yourself examples all about you, and you may view that although you may think you accept this, in reality you do not. This is the reason that it is expressed over and over to you, that you may eventually, in reality, accept this as a reality. If you are presented with a scenario of a small one which is being engaged within a situation that you view to be unjust, you shall not consider that this small one is creating its own reality. You place conditions upon the creation of your reality. If you are creating reality that you are satisfied with, then you believe you are creating your own reality. If you are not satisfied, then you do not believe you are creating your own reality, for your belief systems hold to mass belief systems which express that if you view elements of your reality to be negative, you are not responsible for these elements of your reality. In accepting the concept that you create your own reality, you attempt to accept all of your reality but you become confused, for you also hold conflicting belief systems that afford you the idea that some of your reality you do not create. In actuality, this brings us into complicated areas, for there are elements of reality that you do not create, but you draw yourself to. There are elements of your reality that are influencing of you that you may not individually be actually creating of, but you have chosen to involve yourself with these elements. Other individuals may create certain actions. Other individuals may create certain choices which are affecting of you, but you have chosen to be involved and you have chosen to be affected. Therefore, in one sense you are creating this reality also. You may not be creating the choices, but you have chosen the involvement. Therefore, within agreement you also are creating of the reality.
- Your truths
Truths are not bad they are guidelines that you set for yourself to guide your own behavior, but they are not necessarily applicable to another individual. They are merely beliefs that you have generated into an absolute. Such beliefs are so strong and so unquestioned that within your perception it becomes no longer a belief; it merely is. It is a fact, and you believe facts to be true. Therefore, it becomes an absolute, and that moves it into an expression of a truth, your truths. What is significant to be examining with your truths is how those truths influence you and how you express outwardly in association with other individuals in relation to your truths. What is significant with truths is that you view them quite literally to be absolutes. For example you perceive lying as an unacceptable behavior, therefore you do not incorporate the action. It is your guideline. Another individual may not incorporate the same guideline, and may not view lying to be unacceptable.
An example of a truth: rain is produced by clouds and falls from the sky, down. Unquestioned, does not incorporate thought, it merely is. There is no need to question, for it is. Therefore, it has been generated into an absolute, and therefore has become one of your truths. I may express to you, it is not true, for at times rain may appear without clouds and does not always fall down.
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The Elias Material Copyright © Mary Ennis